
Wallpaper paste

€4,85 EUR

Bartoline glue for all types of wallpapers. Easy to mix, slippery, fine and extra strong. Yield up to 2 rolls of TNT (non-woven fabric) wallpaper. Size: 100 gr.

The amount of water used to prepare the product will vary depending on the type of paper being placed. ALF&mabi wallpapers are non-woven fabric (TNT) and below we provide you with the instructions to prepare the glue specifically for our type of paper.

Preparing the mixture: 
In a bucket add 2.3 liters of water
Add the powdered Bertoline Glue slowly, stirring with the brush.
Continue stirring the mixture for 30 seconds to disperse, until it is homogeneous.
Let it rest for 5 minutes.
After this time, the glue acquires a gel-like texture and is ready for wallpapering.
Yield: up to 2 rolls. 

Key points:
- Remember that for our TNT wallpapers the wall is glued.
- Make sure the wall or surface is clean, dry and free of dust.





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