What to consider when storing the wallpaper?

Proper storage of the wallpaper is essential to maintain its quality before installation. Here are some key considerations you should keep in mind:

1. Suitable environment:

It is essential to store the wallpaper in a cool, dry place. Avoid areas with excessive moisture, as this could cause the paper to swell or warp.

2. Protection against sunlight:

Avoid direct sun exposure, as prolonged sunlight can affect the colors and quality of the paper. Store it in a dark place or in its original packaging.

3. Horizontal position:

Store the rolls of wallpaper horizontally to avoid deformation and to facilitate unrolling without the paper curling.

4. Flat surface:

Place the rolls on a flat surface to prevent them from warping. If stacking is necessary, make sure the rolls are completely flat.

5. Roll separation:

If you store multiple rolls together, make sure there is space between them to allow air circulation and prevent possible adhesion between layers.

6. Clean environment:

Store the wallpaper in a clean area to avoid the accumulation of dust or dirt that may affect the surface of the paper.

7. Original boxes:

If possible, store the wallpaper in its original boxes. These provide additional protection against light, moisture, and dust.

8. Stock rotation:

Consider rotating stock to use rolls that have been in storage the longest first, ensuring you keep inventory fresh.

9. Tags and notes:

Label the rolls with important information, such as the lot number, brand, and pattern. This can be useful in case you need more wallpaper or to make returns.

10. Periodic verification:

Perform periodic checks to ensure there are no signs of moisture, mold, or visible damage on the wallpaper stored.

By following these tips, you can ensure that the wallpaper is in optimal condition when it's time for installation. Prepare your storage space and keep your wallpaper in perfect condition!