It is true that when you want to put up a wallpaper we are in a hurry because we want to enjoy the design as soon as possible. The truth is that for its installation you have to make sure that the wall surface is in the necessary conditions to be able to install the wallpaper without problems.

You may encounter difficulties of all kinds such as textured walls and tiles. In this article, we will discuss how we should act when the wall is already wallpapered. You have surely seen in many movie scenes how often one wallpaper is removed to reveal another that has been covered.

The most advisable thing is always to place the wallpaper on a surface free of foreign elements.

The ideal surface to place the wallpaper is the bare wall. But since this is not the case, you will have to decide what to do with the wallpapered wall. If there is a possibility of removing the paper, it is the most convenient option as it ensures a proper adhesion of the glue.

This operation is especially necessary if the wallpapered wall is in poor condition. If there are pieces that have been torn off or are peeling, it is best to remove them completely. It may also be found to be very deteriorated and break when we place the new paper, complicating the process.

Puedo poner papel pintado sobre una pared empapelada

To remove the wallpaper, you need to arm yourself with a lot of patience and a spatula. Everything will depend on the type of paper that is on the previously wallpapered wall. If it is wallpaper, it won't take much effort as they are designed to be easily removed.

The same happens if we encounter a thin or brittle paper. You will be able to remove it without problems and leave the wall exposed to place your new wallpaper.

The problem arises if the wall has been wallpapered with old paper. In those cases, you will need to put in more effort to remove it. The process is somewhat more complicated, and that is why it deserves its own explanation in a separate article.


How to prepare to place wallpaper over a wallpapered wall

If you have decided to place the wallpaper over the wallpapered wall, then what you need to do is prepare the surface just as if it were a bare wall. You should remove those areas that are more damaged and that are peeling off.

With putty, you need to fill in any possible cracks and holes that exist in the wallpaper. The surface should be left without cracks or wrinkles. If the old paper has any relief, you should disguise it with this material. You will need to be patient with this process and carry it out meticulously.

Clean the old wallpaper well so that all the dust and dirt disappear. This is very important if you don't want bacteria to be trapped behind the wallpaper. Apply a coat of primer to enhance the adhesive factor of the glue. Once dry, you can place the new wallpaper over the one that was already installed using the usual method.

What you should consider if you are going to place wallpaper over a wallpapered wall

Placing the wallpaper over a wallpapered surface is not advisable in certain situations. For example, if there are several different layers of paper, it may accumulate too much weight that the first layer of glue cannot support. This can cause everything to peel off, and this problem is very difficult to solve. 

On the other hand, it is also important to consider the characteristics of the wallpaper on which the new strips are to be placed. Some models contain substances that can stain the new paper over time. If you are not familiar with the characteristics of the wallpapered wall material, then it is best to remove everything to avoid problems.

The best thing is that when you choose a wallpaper, you think about the future. If you foresee that in a few years you might want to change the decor (for example, in a children's bedroom), then opt for a wallpaper that is easy to remove. The supplier or the seller can provide you with the information you need regarding this.

In conclusion, it is indeed possible to place wallpaper over a wallpapered wall, although it is not always the most suitable solution. Especially if at some point you decide to completely remove the wallpaper, it will take much more effort if there are several layers of materials. Therefore, the most advisable thing is to remove the oldest wallpaper.

At ALF&Mabi we have the most interesting wallpaper proposals on the market. Our models are very easy to remove, which will help you change your decor whenever you want. You can unleash your creative side!