The wallpaper is a decorative resource that has transcended its usual place, which used to be living rooms and bedrooms. It also provides incredible results in other rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms. The question you might ask is, can wallpaper be placed over tiles?

In principle, the tiles provide a surface smooth enough for the wallpaper "it can be applied without problems. But you may have many doubts about it. The finish in which they are usually finished may seem like it does not offer the necessary porosity for the glue of the wallpaper to provide adhesion."

"The joints between the tiles are also an irregularity that can be seen in the wallpaper, detracting from the design. These will increase the smaller the size of the tile." Some designs also offer reliefs in the drawing that can affect the result.

Furthermore, you may also consider whether it is advisable to place wallpaper in more humid environments such as bathrooms and kitchens. In short, the installation of wallpaper over tiles can raise many questions for you.

It is possible to place the wallpaper over tiles after a few simple steps.

In general terms, wallpapers can be applied over tiles. You just need to keep in mind that you should prepare the surface first, and it is a fairly easy and affordable way to change the look of a room.

The first thing you should do is prepare the tile wall. To do this, you should clean well using hot water and soap, and then dry. This step is important to remove any type of residue. Even those that are not visible to the naked eye.

Next, what you need to do is to smooth out the most sunken area of the joints. For this, you will use filler that you will apply with a spatula. Take enough time to make it as even as possible. 

Se puede colocar papel pintado sobre azulejos

You should use primer to prepare the surface. Then, you just have to apply the glue and place the paper. It will work perfectly on the tiles and the wallpaper will stay in place.

Even so, it is advisable not to place wallpaper over tiles in areas where water may fall directly. If despite these recommendations, you decide to do it, it is necessary to protect it with some glass or acrylic so that it lasts in perfect condition longer.

It is advisable that the edges of the walls be covered with special silicone for bathrooms and kitchens. This way, it will prevent moisture from entering behind the wallpaper and causing damage. Remember, that water vapor can also be quite problematic.

In the case of tiles that have some relief, they can generally be quite well concealed after the wallpaper is applied. They are usually not very pronounced nor do they distort the drawing much. The thicker the wallpaper, the better results you will have.

As you can see, using wallpaper in the bathroom is perfectly possible and you can achieve spectacular changes without having to do renovations. You won't have to remove the tiles to transform the look of your bathroom or kitchen. With a few simple steps, you can have the space you desire in just a few hours.


In ALF&Evil "We offer you the most complete collection of wallpapers that are perfect for use over the tiles in your bathroom and kitchen. Get unique designs that create comfortable environments that fit any decorative concept. You will find the most interesting proposals in our catalog. Contact us now for more information."