To apply wallpaper, in addition to having some skill, you also need to have the appropriate utensils. In addition to paper and glue, there are a whole series of wallpapering tools that are essential for carrying out different steps throughout the process.

If you want to be truly prepared to put wallpaper in your home remember that you cannot miss the elements that we are going to list below. It is very convenient to gather them all and have them on hand throughout the process.

Wallpaperer tools used to prepare the wall

One of the essential steps in applying wallpaper is to act on the surface of the wall so that you can correctly install the wallpaper. The utensils you will need are the following:

* Metal spatula. This second wallpapering tool is the one used to prepare the wall before applying the wallpaper. It can be used to remove paint or any element that prevents correct installation of the paper such as gotelé.

*Sandpaper. It is also a wallpaperer's tool that is used to achieve a uniform surface on the wall before applying the wallpaper. You can start with a larger grain size and then switch to a smaller grain size for more flawless results.

*Large roller. You will need it to apply filling paste to make the gotelé disappear. Remember that for it to function correctly it must have sufficient quality to ensure

Wallpaperer's tools for applying wallpaper

To place the paper you must have everything that makes it easier for you to cut the strips and install them correctly. To do this you will need the following:

*Guillotine or blade. It is used to cut the paper once you have measured it. The first allows you to make clean cuts with a single gesture. With the second you will need a ruler so that the cut comes out straight. There are also scissors that are used for this purpose, but their cutting is somewhat more imprecise.

*Plumb line. A simple way to ensure that the wallpaper has been placed in the correct position. This is one of the wallpaperer's tools that cannot be missing, which is used with the first strip of paper so that it remains well placed and used as a reference.

*Meter. To make the measurements you need both to calculate the wallpaper and to cut the strips. With this wallpapering tool you will have to be especially thorough to ensure that the installation is impeccable. You can choose between a folding ruler or a tape measure that will provide you with similar results.

*Gluing brush. This is one of the basic wallpaper tools that you cannot be without. Its bristles must be resistant as well as allowing uniform application on both the wallpaper and the wall. To do this, it must have a good number of bristles that must be quite thick.

*Joint rollers. Slightly smaller in size, it is used to do more precise work or on more delicate wallpaper. Of all the wallpapering tools, this will be the one you use to get the finish correct, preventing the joints from being visible.

*Large spatula. Used to eliminate the bubbles that appear when the wallpaper is installed or to remove excess glue. This wallpapering tool is used to apply the proper pressure to draw out the air or adhesive from under the paper.

Other elements necessary when wallpapering

Finally, you should have other elements that are not specifically considered wallpaperers' tools but that will be of great help to you. This group includes protective equipment that you can wear like gloves, glasses or overalls. This will prevent possible accidents and your clothes or skin from getting stained.

You should also have cleaning tools on hand to remove any glue splashes or any other substance such as sealant. To protect furniture you can use plastic or large sheets. For the floor you can place newspaper or cardboard. You can cover the door and window frames with painter's tape if you consider it necessary. 

You now have the list of all the wallpaperer's tools. With all these elements you will be able to place the wallpaper without problems and you will be able to achieve the results you want. So, let's get to work!