3 ways to install your wallpaper My Meadow
The wallpaper My Meadow is one of the favorite models of our brand, due to its neutral and delicate design and its soft colors. One of its features is the freedom when installing it on the wall, as this model has match free. All the patterns are concentrated within the same strip, meaning that a pattern does not get cut in half between one strip and another, and therefore you do not have to match the design when installing the strips on the wall.
By having this freedom, we present you 3 ways to install your wallpaper My Meadow. Take note of these possibilities, choose your favorite, and if you are going to hire a professional to carry out the installation of the wallpaper, remember to discuss with your installer which method you prefer them to use when sticking the strips to the wall.
1. Installation of the wallpaper with match staggered
In this option, the strips are placed by shifting the drawing diagonally. Notice how the large deer is positioned in relation to the next strip in the middle of the repetition. It is our favorite option and in our opinion the most harmonious way for this design.
2. Installation of the wallpaper with match
Here the strips are placed so that the drawings are aligned horizontally, always at the same height. A very commonly used option by our clients and with a satisfactory result, which conveys order.
3. Installation of wallpaper with match free
In this type of match, we forget to align the drawings when making the placement and we install the strips randomly, without following a pattern. It is the option with the best performance, as the paper losses will be minimal. Notice how the largest deer appears at different heights along the wall, without following an order.