When wallpapering a wall or room, it is advisable to have everything you need perfectly ready: the strips cut to size, a cutter for the cuts, glue and a brush to spread it and a spatula to smooth the paper once placed. The question arises when knowing how long the glue can be used once opened or prepared.

The truth is that the products used to stick the wallpaper to the surfaces usually have a long drying time. This means that it is not necessary to have the clock in hand to know how long the glue can be used once opened. But one should not be careless, as not all have the same characteristics. 


How to know how long the glue can be used once opened?

The advice is always to read the product features carefully. It is common for the labels to specify both the drying time and the time the glue can be used once opened. But that time will always be approximate. It should be noted that both humidity conditions and ambient temperature can cause slight variations.

Evidently, the appropriate thing is to respect the time set by the manufacturer for using the glue once opened. The reason is simple: it is within that period that the product maintains all its characteristics intact. Once that time has passed, it is normal for it to have thickened due to the evaporation of water, making application more difficult. And not always will the solution be to add liquid; it will depend on the product in question.

"When it comes to ready-made glues, especially those specifically designed for heavy or vinyl papers, the time in which the glue can be used once opened is one hour at most. Therefore, the recommendation is to have everything perfectly prepared, wait until the last moment to open the container, and keep it perfectly closed while not in use."  

The glue made of methyl cellulose is very different as it comes in powder form and is prepared at the moment it is going to be used for wallpapering. To do this, water is added in different amounts, depending on the density required for the type of paper chosen. In this case, there is no need to worry so much about the time the glue can be used once opened and prepared.

When the water in these mixtures evaporates, more can be added without problems. It is even possible to store the excess in an airtight container and store it for later use. If it has compacted slightly when opening it, simply add some water and mix well again.


The advice: better little by little

As we pointed out, the characteristics of each product may vary. Also, environmental conditions may cause the time in which the glue can be used once opened to vary slightly from one circumstance to another. 

"Therefore, to avoid wasting material or using products when they no longer meet the most suitable conditions, the ideal is to calculate well the quantities that will be needed. We may lose some time, but we will also avoid the finish not being perfect by using the glue once opened beyond what is advisable."

The wallpapers from Alf&Mabi are non-woven type and require a glue suitable for this wallpaper backing. Normally, powder pastes are used, which have greater durability after preparation. Therefore, you can start the installation one day and finish the next day, for example, without the risk of the glue drying out.