The wallpaper will be part of your home's life for a long time. It will be placed in the rooms where you will spend a lot of your time. That's why it's normal for it to suffer wear and tear and over time it may have tears. This will especially happen if the wallpaper is in children's rooms where the little ones take less care.
In some parts of your house, it is more likely that the wallpaper will suffer some kind of damage. In high-traffic areas like hallways where there is more foot traffic, there will be more tears. In those areas where there are rubs with furniture that moves, such as sofas or chairs, it is also likely that the wallpaper will end up tearing.
It is very common for the wallpaper to end up damaged. But it is true that this decorative resource loses its appeal, although not enough to warrant a complete change. You are probably wondering what can be done in these cases. There are solutions to repair the wallpaper that achieve very effective results.
A good piece of advice is to keep the leftovers you have after installing the wallpaper. They will be the key to solving a large part of the damages that may occur.
Tips for fixing your wallpaper
A small tear is the easiest to fix. What you need to do is cut out the damaged part, remove it, and replace it with an equivalent piece of the wallpaper you have stored. You can use glue or help yourself with joint adhesive to make that piece preferable. It will be especially useful to mark the line where you are going to make the cut with paper and a ruler.
This operation is preferable to sticking it directly over the break. The patched area will be too noticeable, making the imperfection even more evident. Always avoid this remedy if you can, as it will create volumes on top that can attract quite a bit of attention.
When the damaged area is larger, then you can consider replacing the entire strip of wallpaper. You will need to carry out the entire installation process, but with the utmost care not to damage the nearby wallpaper.
Joints are one of the critical areas where damage often occurs, which is why it is always advisable to have adhesive for repairs. As always, if the installation has been done properly, it is very unlikely that the joints will lift.
A very useful tip when repairing damaged wallpaper is to check if the wall has also suffered any damage. If that is the case, then it is necessary to repair it before replacing the wallpaper. You can use putty and sandpaper to achieve the smooth surface you need for the wallpaper to look perfect.
What to consider when repairing damaged paper?
Act immediately from the first moment you detect the damage as it is very likely to grow in a very short time. This is an essential rule if you have small children or pets at home. A piece of torn paper is something very tempting for these family members. Pulling on it and causing greater destruction is something very fun for them.
"It is also important that you have the right tools such as a cutter for wallpaper, joint blades, and the already mentioned adhesive (although glue for wallpapering can also be useful)."
In any case, and depending on the area where the damaged wallpaper is located, you can always choose to disguise it by using a picture frame or any piece of furniture. This way, you can continue enjoying the decor without having to notice the imperfections.
The choice of wallpaper is essential if you want to prevent damage..
At Alf&Mabi, we have a wide catalog of wallpapers made of textile base (TNT) that are characterized by their easy maintenance and great durability. Achieve a flawless look for your home and you will also be able to enjoy the most current designs that are trending today. Visit our website to check it out!