Remove the remnants of glue on the newly applied wallpaper.
A drop that falls on the surface or a small amount of adhesive that overflows the edge. These are situations that can occur with some frequency when installing your wallpaper. In these cases, speed is important. In most circumstances, it will be enough to wipe with a damp cloth or a sponge to remove the remnants of glue on the wallpaper while the glue is still wet.
Here are some steps you can follow:
Preparation: Before you begin, make sure you have the following items on hand: a bucket of warm water, a soft and clean cloth, a soft sponge, a plastic knife or a plastic spatula, and a hairdryer for cases where the glue does not come off or is already dry.
Cleaning with warm water: Start by moistening the soft sponge with warm water. Then, press the sponge onto the remnants of glue for a few minutes to loosen it. Do not scrub vigorously, as you could damage the wallpaper.
Remove the glue: After moistening the glue, use the plastic knife or plastic spatula to gently scrape off the remnants of glue. Do this carefully to avoid damaging the wallpaper. Work in small sections at a time.
Drying: Once you have removed most of the glue, dry the area with a clean, dry cloth. Make sure there are no water residues left on the wallpaper.
Can dried glue residues be removed?
The glue that is already dry is more difficult to remove, but you can try using a hairdryer by applying gentle heat to the affected area to soften the glue and then gently scrape with a plastic spatula. Be careful not to get the hairdryer too close to the wallpaper to avoid damaging it with the heat.
The best advice is to always be very careful when wallpapering. If the exact amount of glue is used and spread well, it will be possible to avoid it overflowing through the joints and having to later remove those remnants of glue from the wallpaper.