Our Triangle wallpapers models feature soft colors and a very simple design, but with a huge transformative power for children's rooms. Just one wall of little triangles and not much more will be needed to achieve a cheerful and cozy decoration for the little ones' room.

The wallpapers are available in three shades: green, multicolor, and blue. A beautiful mix of pastel tones to create a lively design for decorating the children's room

Here are some ideas for children's decoration with our wallpapers Triangles. 

Papel pintado de triángulos

Papel pintado triángulos

The model of Wallpaper Green Triangles is perfect for a neutral children's room: it works for boys' and/or girls' rooms. It easily combines with different colors, such as beige, yellow, gray, and brown. In the photos, you can see how well it looks with our animal prints from the Baby Animals Collection. 

Papel pintado triángulos

Papel pintado triángulos

Mixing warm colors like light pink, cherry pink, beige yellow, gray, and aqua green, the model of Multicolor Triangles Wallpaper is a fun and cheerful option. 
And finally, we leave you with photos of a child's room decorated with Blue Triangles Wallpaper, gray, and yellow. 

Papel pintado de triángulos